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The RESILIENT Publishing contract is very simple and straightforward. We retain the exclusive publishing rights for three years. After that, if we aren’t making you money, you can cancel the contract.


We do allow one exception to the exclusive rights: Authors may sell their physical (bound) books from their own websites and keep 100% of the royalties earned. Authors may also keep 100% of the royalties from book signings where our distribution does not reach.


RESILIENT Publishing Royalties


A specialist in Internet optimization will list your ebook for more visibility. As a RESILIENT Publishing author you are a member of our interactive online forum where you receive extensive social media training in the publicity and marketing of your ebooks. You also receive 65% of all the income from ebook sales.

Printed Books

With RESILIENTPublishing you receive 75% of all the income from bound (printed) book sales. Typical distribution costs are 25% of the income received by the distributor. RESILIENT Publishing keeps only a typical distribution cost for books that are published with us.



International distribution is when RESILIENT Publishing lists your physical book with other publishing companies outside the U.S.A. These foreign companies will translate your book, redesign the cover, and print your books. There is no cost to the author for any of these services, and you will receive 50% of all income from international sales.

Beginning ​​​​​​​​​with RESILIENT Publishing

Signing with Resilient Publishing requires a $299 commitment fee.

This initial fee covers: 

When your book is ready, we have the knowledge and the resourses to promote your book to bookstores for nationwide distribution. For details, see the Resilient Process page.


Contact Us  | Resilient Publishng | P.O. Box 234 | Star, Idaho | 83669

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