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P.O. Box 234

Star, Idaho  83669

Lynn Hardy - CEO


Kate Delano-Condax Decker – Marketing & PR Support


Angela Gaudioso – Technical Editor


Jeff Sharpton - Cover Artist




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Kate Delano-Condax Decker – Marketing & PR Support


Kate Delano-Condax Decker, sighted in Marquis Who’s Who in America, for her distinguished career in Marketing and Public Relations, serves BAM! Publishing as an in house consultant, guiding BAM! books toward maximum exposure in National and International Markets. 


Author of more than six books, including a bestseller in it’s genre and Riding – Ride  which was endorsed by the United States Olympic team. She worked as editorial assistant  directly for the Joseph J. Thorndike, former  Managing Editor of Life for three years in the late 1940s, and a co-founder of American Heritage and Horizon magazines,  at American Heritage Publishing Company (American Heritage Magazine, Horizon, Americana); and she also served as permissions editor at American Heritage. She was amember of the editorial board and writer for New China Magazine.



While working at two of the top Public Relations agencies in New York City, Kate Decker worked with many well known film and television personalities, including a the unknown puppeteer named Jim Hensen and an rising star Sally Fields. Other clients include some Frances leading film star Jeanne Moreau and new wave director Françoif Truffaut. Associate Producer of a talk show and Assistant director of a news show. Family reunion starting Betty Davis.


Angela Gaudioso – Technical Editor


Over the last twenty plus years Angela Gaudioso has worked as an editor and writer for a few major national publications—New York magazine, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker, The Daily Beast, Condé Nast Traveler, National Geographic, etc.  Angela Gaudioso worked both full-time, in the case of the first three titles, as well as freelance. She has edited dozens of novels for some of the top trade publishers in the nation.


Angela sees each work as if it is a musical composition. Each part must fit and flow in perfect balance. If an author wants his/her writing to be at the top of the field, wants it to be more than a story, but a work of art, Angela Gaudioso will help our author get there.


Jeff Sharpton – Cover Artist


Jeff Sharpton’s passion is creativity and adventurous spontaneity! He loves a challenge and making others successful. Jeff has been designing, art directing, photo taking and set directing for years. He’s scripted, shot and edited video as well as all elements of promotion and branding literally around the world. Magazines and newsletters are two additional projects that Jeff Sharpton has worked extensively on.

Contact Us  | Resilient Publishng | P.O. Box 234 | Star, Idaho | 83669

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