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I have spent more than ten years working with literary agents, publishers, and publishing companies, both in the USA and in Europe.  I have gone with Lynn Hardy because I trust her.  I feel she truly has the author’s best interest at heart, is completely honest, and I have never needed to worry about disagreeing with her, because she also tells me up front what she thinks.  I have appreciated her advice and have not hesitated to use it when I understood her reasoning.  She has always accepted what I have had to say when she has understood my reasoning.  From past experience I have found that honesty in publishing is a very rare quality.



—Sylvia Griffin, author of The Little Black Schoolhouse; Hellside Elementary; Reading Righting, and Revenge; The Hand of a Woman; terraspace.orb; iEarth; Memorandum:Murder (a play with music by Mark Griffin); and Once Upon a Trial, or Storybook Scandals (a musical with music by Mark Griffin).

   I would like to take a moment and acknowledge Resielient Publishing for helping me achieve a dream of mine. 

   For many years I have wanted to become an author. One night I had a nightmare waking up the next morning feeling, “Dang, that would make a good book!” I started writing, and a little over a year later, the basic book was completed. 


   I went about trying to find a publishing company that would work with me being a first time writer, having no knowledge of what it takes to publish a book. I checked out some of the large well-known publishing companies and was dismayed over what I found with them. I needed an individual or a company to help me through the initial phases of becoming a published author. In researching the different companies, a friend of mine told me about a publishing company in Boise, Idaho.


  In researching their website, I learned of the owner, Lynn Hardy, and read of her struggles of becoming a first-time author. I thought to myself, “Who could be better at helping me than someone who had gone through the challenge of becoming an author herself?” 


  I contacted RESILIENTPublishing and within a day the owner, Lynn Hardy, was in contact with me. She took the time to explain to me her company and what she could do for me. I felt she was very knowledgeable about what I was looking for. I sent her a few chapters from my book. Within a short time, she contacted me concerning my book and it’s potential. I felt she was honest and up-front with me, and I appreciated it. 

  I drove to Boise, Idaho and met with Mrs. Hardy, she was very receptive and open answering all my questions. In looking at the contract, it was easy to understand.


    After signing the contract RESILIENT Publishing allowed me access to their website. The information on the website has helped me immensely. I did not know all the steps and directions an author needed to take into consideration when writing a book. There are many ideas and information which I feel will make me a better writer without having to wade through the information on my own. 


  I’m currently working with a RESILIENT editor in ironing out some of my grammar issues. I can’t express my appreciation enough to Lynn Hardy and RESILIENT Publishing for all their help in my pursuit of becoming a published author. I hope someday my book, Between Earth and Hell, The Animal in All of Us will be a must-read for those who enjoy fantasy. 




                                                                                           George Tolman 




If you are a first-time author, or even, like me, an author of several books published in the past by major trade publishers, you couldn’t be luckier. Tremendous, seismic shifts in the publishing industry have suddenly opened opportunity for all of us in ways never imagined before the advent of the Internet.

 To grasp what this means for you and your book(s), one of my books was a modest bestseller of its genre, pet training. It sold more than 100,000 copies. It was published by one of the best known publishers in New York. For the next 13 years while the book was in print, I got the standard seven-and-a-half percent until it had sold 10,000 copies, and ten percent thereafter. This meant that after various publishing industry deductions and withholdings, I received a few thousand dollars twice a year (after taxes it’s not much). The publisher kept the rest.


     But here’s what happened next: I wrote a new book about men. It takes advantage of the practices that RESILIENT Publishing champions. This book has sold a measly (so far) 550 copies. With my previous trade publisher I would have made only about $250. But (and these are actual figures) I have made over $11,000 for those 550 copies. Mind-blowing to me. And when the sales begin to pick up and, I hope, really take off, the money will be very substantial. Do the math.

These are the kind of numbers all authors should be able to set as a goal. For the first time in history, we authors now have control over our own work. RESILIENT puts the whole picture together to make it easy to navigate the process. It puts your book where it needs to be.


I have now placed two of my other previously published (trade) books also with RESILIENT where they are being made available on Kindle and marketed to a wide audience. Here are a few more advantages to publishing today, as compared to the days when trade publishers made most of the decisions about books:


When one of my books was published in 1995, the publisher changed my cover from what I had wanted, and used a photograph I didn’t like, all without even asking me. Then they removed a large part of my book entirely, saying it wouldn’t interest readers. (It was, in fact, the very reason I had originally written the book.) Then they had another writer whom I didn't know add text to “improve and make the book more lively” — again without my permission or even my knowledge until it was in galleys. When they tried to make my text more “colloquial” (and ungrammatical) I drew the line and told them I would withdraw the book if they didn’t leave my text as it should be. 


On another of my trade published books, an incompetent editor made such a mess of the text that it could not be published at all, although one of the major publishers had it all printed up and were ready to send it to bookstores. Even a literary attorney was unable to make the publisher restore the book to the way I had written it. For 15 years it sat on a shelf in my house. It was finally published after it was endorsed by the U.S. Olympic Team. One last thing: In the old days, trade publishers decided when to remainder your book. They decided, based on sales, that a book didn’t sell enough copies per year anymore. Then they tore the covers off the books and shredded them. End of your book. You had nothing to say about it.


     With the new way of publishing, this will never happen again. You are in control of your book, from start to finish. (If there ever comes a day when you choose to take it off the market, of course you could do so, but I certainly don’t want to end the life of my books.)


     Congratulations on your new book! I hope your experience with Resielient Publishing will be as great as mine has been so far. With this new way of publishing that capitalizes on technologies undreamed of in the history of publishing, you’re in for an exciting ride. And today, literally the sky’s the limit. 



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